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KSTU im. I. Razzakova from February 14 to March 27 carried out propaganda work in the schools of the Alamedin district. In particular, February 16, 2023, March 2, 2023, March 17, 2023. N. Isanova, together with the EI and the Higher School of Economics, visited the following schools: Lebedinov schools of gymnasium No. 2 and No. 3, cf. school named after A. Zhumagulov in the village of Kok-Zhar and the private school "Bilim-Jolu", cf. school them. B. Beishenalieva in the village of Tash-Dobo, cf. school them. S. Chokmorova in the village of Chon-Tash, cf. school them. O. Tursumamatova in the village of Ber-Bulak, cf. school them. T. Aktanova in the village of Kashka-Suu.

The department "Water supply and sanitation" took an active part in the promotional work in the Alamedin schools.