Educational work

Educational work of the Department of "Artistic product Design"

Students study at the Department of KhPI in the areas of 540700 Costume and Textile Art 570400 Fashion design

Students actively participate in various activities of the department, faculty and university. From the first days, first-year students participate in the "Dedication to students", "Open Day". Students with curators regularly visit the Kyrgyz National Museum of Fine Arts named after G.Aitiev, the Kyrgyz National Drama Theater named after T.Abdumomunov, the I.Razzakov House Museum and other museums and exhibitions. At the annual autumn and spring exhibitions, they get acquainted with the works of artists and designers. Students of the department regularly and actively participated in research conferences of students and young scientists. We conducted master classes in the Children's Home "Bright Path", "Rehabilitation Center for Children and Adolescents" of Pervomaisky district and during career guidance work for schoolchildren and graduates of lyceums. Participated in the KOPUR exhibition held at the Asanbai Center Gallery from April 3 to April 7, 2019. The same exhibition was presented in the city of Osh at Osh State University from April 10 to 14 of this year, in Karakol in June of the same year, then it is planned to be presented in the regions of Naryn, Talas and other cities.

The department has a student creative group "Zhash Kyyal" and a school of models.