Baygazy kyzy Nazira

Baygazy kyzy Nazira
Senior Lecturer, Methodist

Acting associate professor of the department "Water supply, sanitation".
In 1998 she graduated from the Kyrgyz State University of Construction, Transport and Architecture with a degree in civil engineering.
She has been working in the higher education system since 2000. At the department of "Water supply and sanitation" - KGUSTA. Position: Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, Acting Associate Professor.
Foreign language: English - basic.
Contact details: service tel. (0312) 54-56-42.

Profiles in scientometric databases:

  1. ORCID: 0000-0001-8859-5691
  2. ScopusID:
  3. ResearcherID Web of Science:
  4. Google Scholar:
  5. РИНЦ:    AuthorID SPIN-код 8879-1262
  6. ResearchGate: