Egemberdieva Gulshat Abdyhaimovna

Egemberdieva Gulshat Abdyhaimovna
Senior Lecturer

Academic degree: master in specialty 55.35.01 "Industrial ecology and rational use of natural resources"

Year of admission and graduation from the university: 1996-2001

Education: Kyrgyz Mining and Metallurgical Institute. Academician U.A. Asanaliev

Faculty: Geoecology and Engineering Ecology

Specialty (qualification): Environmental protection and rational use of natural resources, environmental engineer

From 05.11.2001 Kyrgyz State University of Construction, Transport and Architecture named after N.Isanova

Position: Lecturer of the Department "Economics of Nature Use"

From 09/01/2005 to the present Kyrgyz State University of Construction, Transport and Architecture named after N.Isanova

Position: Senior Lecturer of the Department "Environmental Protection and Rational Use of Natural Resources"

From 07/04/2017 to the present: Kyrgyz State University of Construction, Transport and Architecture named after. N.Isanova

Position: Senior Lecturer of the Department of Technosphere Safety

Work experience in other places

Volunteer coordinator in the project with "Uch chaka", collection, sorting and processing of household waste; Eco Farm Fest 2018-2019; coordinator of the summer school, summer camp "Responsible Waste Management"; social survey “Responsible waste management” among residents of Ton and Jeti-Oguz districts of Issyk-Kul region with Kumtor Gold Company; coordinator of the project of holding the Earth Day holiday among the schools of the Ton and Jeti-Oguz districts of the Issyk-Kul region with Kumtor Gold Company; coordinator of tree inventory volunteers from Bishkekzelenkhoz. Experience in international projects, namely: in the World Bank project within the framework of Component 2 "Portfolio Risk Sharing Mechanism" of the project "Emergency Support for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises" - consultant on environmental issues, as well as an expert in the development of the Waste Management Network in the Kyrgyz Republic Republic - WasteNet.KG.



since 2011 Development of wastewater treatment technology for leather production

since 2022 Improvement of aerotanks for wastewater treatment in the conditions of the Kyrgyz Republic

Major Publications

Development of measures against emissions of brick production (article) Berdieva M.T.; Collection of scientific papers of undergraduates and students, KSUSTA, volume 2, Bishkek 2019 P.170-175.


Reagent-free technology for the preparation of drinking water from surface sources of the Kyrgyz Republic (article) Karimov T.Kh., Baigazy k N.; Bulletin of KGUSTA, No. 2 (68), Bishkek 2020. P. 308-314.


Pollution of the environment of the Kyrgyz Republic by sewage (article) Karimov T.Kh.; Collection of reports of the National scientific and practical conference with international participation Tyumen 2021 P.49-56



02/15/2019 Certificate “Learning outcomes and their role in building the educational process”, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan Agency for Quality Assurance in Education “EdNet”;

09/21/2019 Certificate for assistance in organizing and holding Eco Farm Fest 2019, as part of the Global Ecological Mobilization Week, with the financial support of the Delegation of the European Union, BILIMKANA CHINESE SCHOOL, Stretch active wear, KG ALLIANCE, HYATT REGENCY, EL GROUP Consulting;

07/21/19-07/23/19 Certificate for holding a summer camp "Responsible waste management" for students in grades 5-8 of the village of Kaji-Sai, Issyk-Kul region, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, Uchchak with the financial support of Kumtor Gold Company CJSC »;

08/14/19-08/15/19 Certificate of participation in the sociological survey of residents of the Ton and Jeti-Oguz districts of the Issyk-Kul region, "Responsible Waste Management", Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, Uchchaka with the financial support of Kumtor Gold Company CJSC;


01/23/2020 Certificate No. LE180000136 "Accreditation of educational programs", Independent accreditation agency "Bilim-standard";


05.02.20-06.02.20 Certificate “Zharandyk korgonuunu uyushtuuu jana zhurguzuu”, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, Kyrgyz republic son ozgocho kyrdaaldar of the Minister of League, Zharandyk korgonuu adisterin dayardoo jana kaira dayardoo Borboru;


15.02.21-28.02.21 Certificate "Engineering Pedagogy", Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan Engineering and Pedagogical Center for Advanced Studies;


19.03.21-20.03.21 Certificate of participation, National scientific and practical conference with international participation "Water resources - the basis of global and regional projects for the development of Russia, Siberia and the Arctic in the XXI century", Tyumen Industrial University, Tyumen;


16.04.21-20.04.21 CERTIFICATE OF RECOGNITION for supervising students in the National Student Contest on SDG in Kyrgyzstan, German-Kazakh University, Almaty;


05/25/21 Certificate of completion of advanced training courses under the program "Fundamentals of Ecology and Technosphere Safety", Yekaterinburg, Russia;


07/05/21 Certificate of completion of the seminar-training "Introduced

Energy Efficient Technologies as a Way to Reduce Pollution into the Environment” within the framework of the “Zhashyl Zhana Kopsuz Turak Zhai” project; Bishkek;


06/17/21 Certificate of participation "Electronic library system IPR BOOKS: new formats of the educational process, a tool for distance learning and operational preparation of RPD", Moscow;


06/23/21 Certificate of Participation “Digital University Library: Forming Content for New Educational Programs. Involvement of teaching staff in copyright content contests, Moscow;


06/24/21 Certificate of participation "Expert session: "Best digital practices of secondary vocational education" No. 2", Moscow;


06/21/21-06/23/21 Certificate of participation in the webinar of the Alliance of Universities of the Kyrgyz Republic for Green Economy and Sustainable Development (AVZUR) “Climate policy in the world and in Central Asia, Bishkek;


09/24/21 Certificate of participation “Digital Chronicles. Creation and distribution in social services”, Moscow;


27.09.21-28.09.21 CERTIFICATE successfully participated in the workshop Ecology and Environmental Sciences Curriculum Development Webinar implemented by Kazakh National Agrarian Research University and Michigan State University;


09/29/2021 Certificate of participation "EBS IPR BOOKS: Digital solutions of ELS IPR BOOKS for interaction between teachers and students", Moscow;


11/01/21 CERTIFICATE has successfully completed Research Methods Course authorized by European Academy of Science and Research; Hamburg.Germany;


11/30/21 Certificate of participation "Electronic library system IPR BOOKS: Scientific communications: strategies and tasks", Moscow;


7.10.21-28.10.21 CERTIFICATE 1st Education Policy and Innovation Conference (EPIC); Switzerland;


22.10.21-24.10.21 Certificate for participation in the 3-day festival "Op Maida" as a curator of the ARC project for the collection, removal and processing of solid waste; Bishkek;

2021 CERTIFICATE has successfully completed on Being a Scientist Course authorized by European Academy of Science and Research; Hamburg.Germany;

12/11/21 CERTIFICATE OF PARTICIPATION in recognition of her valuable contribution to the SOTA community clean-up project and facilitating its mission of reducing and recycling municipal solid waste. Bishkek;


02/03/22 Certificate of participation in the educational project "DATALIB Lecture Hall"; "SAP Analytic Cloud: Data Mining", Moscow;


02/08/22 Certificate of participation in the event "Experience in organizing and holding an online forum";


2022 CERTIFICATE has successfully completed on Being a Scientist Course authorized by European Academy of Science and Research; Hamburg.Germany;


02/17/22 Certificate of participation in the event "Distance learning: a review of the tools of the electronic resource Profeducation", Saratov;

02/17/22 Certificate for participation in the event "IPR SMART - a new digital ecosystem: educational content and services for learning and teaching on a single platform", Moscow;

February 24, 22. Certificate of participation in the educational project "DATALIB Lecture Hall"; "Intellectual technologies in management", Moscow;

02/23/22 Certificate for participation in the event "IPR SMART - a new digital ecosystem: educational content and services for learning and teaching on a single platform", Moscow;

02/25/22 Certificate for participation in the event "IPR SMART - a new digital ecosystem: educational content and services for learning and teaching on a single platform", Moscow;

03/24/22 Certificate of participation in the educational project "DATALIB Lecture Hall"; "Intellectual technologies in management", Moscow;


03/29/22 Certificate of participation in the event "Publications in scientific journals: or how to build a strategy for a graduate student", Moscow;


03/29/22 Certificate for participation in the event "IPR SMART - a new digital ecosystem: educational content and services for learning and teaching on a single platform", Moscow;


06/25/22 Letter of thanks for active participation in the inventory of urban trees, which will serve as the basis for accounting and plans for the conservation of green spaces in Bishkek, SE "Zelenkhoz" and PF "Initiative" "Archa";


08/17/22 Certificate for successful completion of the training course “Introduction to the EBRD Environmental and Social Policy under the RSBP in Central Asia.



2019 "Best Senior Lecturer" KGUSTA them. Isanov, Department of "Technospheric Safety", Institute of Transport and Ecology following the results of the annual competition for recognition of the status "Best among team members-2019."

03/07/22 Gold medal of the Congress of Women of Kyrgyzstan of international importance "For leadership". For merits in the realization of the ideals of humanism, peace and leadership.

Profiles in scientometric databases:

1. ORCID: 0009-0000-2245-8950

2. Web of Science ResearcherID: HTM-9775-2023

3. Scopus Author ID: Gulshat Egemberdieva

4. РИНЦ AuthorID: SPIN-код

5. Google Scholar: Gulshat Egemberdieva

6. Gulshat Egemberdieva